Bernard Arnault Net Worth in 2022

Bernard Arnault Net Worth in 2022

Bernard Arnault Net Worth in 2022

How rich is Bernard Arnault in 2021? He is the man we are focusing on for today.

The French billionaire is worth close to $200 billion. He is worth $194.3 billion exactly today as of writing this post.

And so the question I believe most people will be asking is; who is this guy and how did he become so rich?

Bernard is a French billionaire and he is the Chief executive officer for LVMH; the richest company in Europe, which stands for Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy.

And so the next time you think of buying some of the most expensive Louis Vuitton products on the shelf, give thanks to Bernard. He builds expensive things with the rich in mind.

Our favorite Bernard Arnault Quotes:

”What I love is to win. What I love is being number one.”

”I see myself as an ambassador of French heritage and French culture. What we create is emblematic. It’s linked to Versailles, to Marie Antoinette.”

A New York-based writer and regular contributor to I Love entertainment and celebrity news.
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